Thursday, January 22, 2009

LASIK retouch update

Got my left eye LASIK retouched today...i had gone a bit nearsighted again (it happens about 20% of the time). All went well, though I have a bit of a headache this time around from the glare-y ness of everything, which I dont remember as much last time around. Well, its probably partly my fault as I am studying and blogging, instead of RESTING like I should be.


Anonymous said...

Check a LASIK retouch video at

Anonymous said...

willy said...
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citrate sildenafil said...

I really was in everything was fine, though I had a little headache this time of the look and everything, I do not remember that last time around.

viagra online said...

Greetings Little Miss Brainy! It's imperative to obey doc's orders in order to recover from your surgery in the shortest period of time. Although LASIK surgery has a very low range of side effects, there is no reason to be overconfident. It's a very serious issue.

Michel said...

LASIK surgeons has been working so updated that they can enhance the vision problems and make vision 100% clear.The surgeons working on improvising these techniques to get instant 100% results for the LASIk.